Thought Loop

We continue the think about thinking with machines, sensing something important in that which we now call Cybersocial Metathinking.

We sense something important with the term 'cybersocial' within the context of not only collective remembering and learning within the wiki, but also about collective thinking in the wiki.

We become curious about a new page of stored memory, Cybersocial Learning, where we seek to remember the origin story of this new term. We then became curious if that concept might link to any core concepts discovering that it links to two of them. We select the highest ranked one, Natural Order, which links through a parent, Autopoietic Learning, of one of its children, a page long forgotten.

We then look at the resultant third-order links of this thought pattern, Radical Abstraction, Stigmergic Iteration, and Spatial Vivacity. We now close the loop back by new reflecting on our 'source page' within the context of these deeper meaning pages.

Opening us up to new wonder, how the development of cybersocial learning might require the cultivation of collective ambience and form to allow an organic unfolding.

And, in this experience, we finding ourselves inventing a new term to describe this self-reflective thinking with the help of a machine, a Thought Loop.

self-reflective looping

After making this page, we relook at our concept patterns and see more extended patterning where we now have a trivium of thought which highlights a particular concept, Spatial Vivacity that which sense holds a powerful Deep Truth as we begin to extend our wondering into the potential meaning of 'cybersocial thinking', something first experienced as we extended the first experiment of cybernetic thinking into a new experiment, Robust Resilience, where we experienced Disruptive Orthogonal Planes as we now imagine into Thought Planes, reminding us of the pioneering work of ohters inspired the by concept of Thought Vectors.

looping extending