Cybersocial Metathinking

We sense importance in the words that we imagine, words for feelings that we seek to make meaning from.

So we combine and mix, inventing new terms, such as 'cybersocial metathinking', building from the words of others.

We have sensed the potential that Vannevar Bush sensed when he wrote his article for the Atlantic in 1947, As We May Think, the same year the Borge published his short story, The Aleph, two years after a war a war that wracked the world and created a new devastating capacity for global annihilation.

Bush's vision of _cybernetic learning_ inspired Doug Engelbart who inspired Alan Kay. It was then Kay who, in part, inspired Ward to invent the wiki at the dawn of the World Wide Web, for _cybersocial learning_.

It was then our work with a new platform, the fedwiki, that allowed us to extended that vision to explore the very nature of thinking with the computer, _cybernetic thinking_ leading us to find meaning in the patterns of our thinking, leading us to experience _cybernetic metathinking_. From there we reached futher into the sky and began to learn into and experience the potential of _cybersocial metathinking_. Thinking, done with others with the help of computers, where we see, in the unfolding patterns of our ideas, new emergent meaning, exponentially increasing our learning potential.

We are in the early days of this exploration, but we sense that it may guide us toward the originating vision of Intelligence Amplification in a Creative Noosphere, as we explore the wiki's nascent capacity as a Sapience Engine.

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