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This wiki is my primary common book Here is where I collect random thoughts, fragments not yet formed into something that might elsewhere become valuable. I also use this wiki to gather all of my wikis together into a virtual library for myself and for others.

As one of the pioneers in an emergent Noosphere, I continually experiment with its potential. You will find, then, different types of wikis, organized below.

I suggest connecting this wiki with my garden book called Wellspring, as I often link these fragments back to concepts in that have been developed in that wiki. You connect them together into a common neighborhood by clicking on the chevron symbol next to its red flag.

Other wikis in my library: Forage Book I have a forage book where I explore, using questions presented to LLM engines, seeking patterns of new meaning. thompson.forage.ustawi.wiki Garden Book I have a garden book where I intentionally cultivate patterns of connected concepts that I can use for my Story Books. wellspring.fed.wiki Story Books I have two books written and published with others: dayton.fed.wiki book.reimage.fed.wiki Three more books are beginning to unfold with others: thompson.mindset.ustawi.wiki thompson.genius.ustawi.wiki thompson.purpose.ustawi.wiki Resource Books I am slowly creating resource books to help others understand the work that we are doing. thompson.assets.ustawi.wiki thompson.dig.fed.wiki digguide.ustawi.wiki bridgeguide.fed.wiki thompson.commons.ustawi.wiki Experimental Books I have several wikis that are being used to experiment with the wiki environment. thompson.dojo.fed.wiki learneridentity.fed.wiki newtime.fed.wiki thompson.ustawi.wiki thompson.nurture.ustawi.wiki thompson.phototelling.fed.wiki thompson.digpatterns.fed.wiki thompson.digstory.fed.wiki thompson.digex.fed.wiki thompson.commons.ustawi.wiki Misc Books I have some wikis that are old but shouldn't be forgotten. Thompson.pathoftransformation.fed.wiki Collaborators Here are some of the wikis of those I regularly collaborate with. code.fed.wiki found.ward.fed.wiki wiki.ralfbarkow.ch ward.dojo.fed.wiki Ohio Experiment found.kavita.ustawi.wiki forage.kavita.ustawi.wiki flower.kavita.ustawi.wiki found.linda.ustawi.wiki forage.linda.ustawi.wiki flower.linda.ustawi.wiki

I also write in a creative noosphere:

My Creative Noosphere: wellspring.fed.wiki thompson.fed.wiki dayton.fed.wiki linda.purpose.ustawi.wiki flower.linda.ustawi.wiki kavita.becoming.ustawi.wiki book.reimage.fed.wiki thompson.mindset.ustawi.wiki thompson.purpose.ustawi.wiki thompson.genius.ustawi.wiki kavita.purpose.ustawi.wiki linda.purpose.ustawi.wiki kristin.ustawi.wiki janet.nurture.ustawi.wiki tina.genius.ustawi.wiki clare.genius.ustawi.wiki kavita.genius.ustawi.wiki

_click '>>' above to connect my creative noosphere to this wiki. As you do, notice on the bottom toolbar the expansion of the number of pages that can be searched._

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For those curious about other activity in the wikiverse, here is a collection of The Good Parts.