We begin to explore the fundamental purpose of the wiki, one we sense offers tremendous power as a Sapience Engine to augment our intelligence and to increase our creative potential .
Where the wiki is recognized not only as a meaning machine, but, more deeply, as a feeling machine.
One that not only increases our ability to feel concepts, but to feel our imagination.
Imaginative feeling, that which Whitehead sensed.
Exponentially accelerated by collective thinking, where boundaries of thought become permeable and thought becomes entangled.
Where Wisps of Thought are felt:
> These visuals are just so beautiful to look at. I love that they appear gentle and flowing. I feel like entanglement is the perfect word to describe this - the softness of ideas and thoughts flowing through our minds and connecting. Just magic. ✨ > -Jess
Where, with shared purpose, the new might unfold Entangled Learning in surprising ways.

Wiki Wisps
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