Welcome Visitors

Welcome to this wiki which is my 'garden book'. Here I cultivate interconnected ideas, concepts that have the promise of coming alive and unfolding. This wiki also allows me to rediscover meaning patterns I may have forgotten or for others, who might be curious, to wander into my thought world.

It's from this garden that a draw from when I am writing my books.

This wiki began as an experiment with Ward where we wondered what might happen if we both spun up two wikis with a shared intention, that of seeking a deeper understanding of Robust Resilience. It came alive and continues to grow from there.

About me:

Here are other core wikis that I continually engage with as I explore the deeper nature of learning.

Common book: thompson.fed.wiki Foraging book: thompson.forage.ustawi.wiki Pattern book: thompson.patterns.ustawi.wiki

I also write in a Creative Noosphere:

My Creative Noosphere: wellspring.fed.wiki thompson.fed.wiki dayton.fed.wiki linda.purpose.ustawi.wiki flower.linda.ustawi.wiki kavita.becoming.ustawi.wiki book.reimage.fed.wiki thompson.mindset.ustawi.wiki thompson.purpose.ustawi.wiki thompson.genius.ustawi.wiki kavita.purpose.ustawi.wiki linda.purpose.ustawi.wiki kristin.ustawi.wiki janet.nurture.ustawi.wiki tina.genius.ustawi.wiki clare.genius.ustawi.wiki kavita.genius.ustawi.wiki By clicking the ">>" these wikis become connected, allowing all of the pages to become connected and searchable (from the bottom of the window).

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