
The original concept of the trivium comes from classical education, one that was built on a foundation of three subject areas: grammar, logic and rhetoric.

This concept of trivium as a "three-legged stool" plays a valuable role to convey complex meaning. To distill meaning in a way that can be succinctly conveyed to others, we are challenged to define the three core elements that hold the full meaning in a balance of dynamic tension. It represents a Prime Pattern

The early leaders of the Christian church, for instance, distilled the meaning of Christianity down to the Trinity. Each element of the Trinity holds a particular part of the meaning of their religion.

Buddhism is based on the Three Jewels. Einstein's Theory of Relatively could be seen as a trivium. The list goes on.

A dynamic vessel that holds the creative potential for a complex synthesis of thought with others at the intersection of the real and the imagine that leads to new Trialectical Synthesis.

Unleashing Hidden Potential.

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