We sense new clarity about the nature of self. Self that we have been, self that we are, self that we could become.
_artificial self_
As we free ourselves from our artificial self, the facade, the persona we adopt that armors us up to protect our hurt but which hides our gifts, that persona that separates us from ourselves, separates ourself from others, we _sense_ new potential.
_natural self_
We reconnect to which has been long known, our connection to ourselves, our connection to others, our connection to the earth. As we do, perceiving a self that is part of a greater whole, we _feel_ new potential.
_luminous self_
We experience the potential of an essence that flows through us, that brings us to life, that is beyond words. Long known, the dharma that flows through us, the virtue
that flows through us, the de
that flows through us, unleashing creative genius that flows from a deep, mysterious wellspring of infinite potential, allowing us to _realize_ new potential in moments when our creativity manifests the divine within.