We sense important meaning in meaning that becomes self-contextualized, a whole that has the potential to unfold, something that has been called 'strange loops'.
> A strange loop is a cyclic structure that goes through several levels in a [tangled] hierarchical system. It arises when, by moving only upwards or downwards through the system, one finds oneself back where one started. Strange loops may involve self-reference and paradox. The concept of a strange loop was proposed and extensively discussed by Douglas Hofstadter in Gödel, Escher, Bach, and is further elaborated in Hofstadter's book _I Am a Strange Loop_, published in 2007. wikipedia
Amorphic boundaries of systems seeking to be alive creating experiences of surprise that unleashes the potential of Autopoietic Regeneration.
Where systems, fundamentally quantum in nature, allow Hidden Potential to flow – where meaning emerges from strange loops.
Unleashing Creative Genius.
Bringing us, and all living systems, alive.
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