Prime Pattern

A Prime Pattern is a pattern that has been simplified down to three parts, what could be called a Trivium.

In software development, the process of simplification is call Refactoring . When you refactor code, you having the code do the same tasks, but simplifying how it does them. In this process, the code becomes more "elegant".

There is a similar process possible with complex ideas. If the ideas remain their complex form, it is very difficult to share them with others. As a result, their impact, within a larger community, is limited. But if those concepts can be distilled down to a simple form - a pattern - they can be more easily shared.

A great example is the Theory of Relativity an immensely complex concept. By Einstein's "refactoring" this concept to \(E=mc^2\) his concept became well known to an audience far beyond his scientific community. Another powerful example is found in the Radical Abstraction of Lambda calculus, which unleashed the creative potential of object-based software languages.

A Trivium can be called the simplest and most elegant pattern, what we could call a prime pattern. A prime pattern, as a "three-legged stool", is dynamically balanced and becomes a powerful container of meaning.

Meaning that comes alive through Trialectical Synthesis.

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