Guiding Intention

We call them _guiding intentions_. We learn about the immense potential of these intentions not by theorizing about them, but by the feeling of living through them, that is, by experiencing life Living Into Intention, where something beautiful manifests.

Whenever we embark, then, on a journey of transformation we are called to name this intention, an intention we sense as sacred where we feel something beyond us mysterious flowing through us, something that vitalizes us and those around us in a way that unfolds beauty. We feel joy, _suhka_.

A First Harmonic that attracts synchronization, creating a resonance from which the new might manifest, in a moment, that then unfolds.

We know this as our Deep Truth.

One that we live in, each and every day, simply by the way we show up, listening to and living into a truth that is greater than us.

A truth that weaves us together as one.

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