We are intrigued by the concept of Cybernetics, one that is closely aligned with Intelligence Amplification.
We ponder this concept from the context of order. How is it, we wonder, that order might not be imposed, but is emergent, allowing Autopoietic Systems to be created.
Our dominant paradigm of order, one embedded in the paradigm of the Catholic Church – an organization formed to support the social control of the Roman empire some 2,000 years ago – is that control is hierarchical and order is imposed.
The premise of emergent order – that which is found in nature – inspired Christopher Alexander's work in the latter part of his career. Patterns were not enough, he felt, for they could render lifeless space if they were simply followed prescriptively. What was it, then, that brought space alive?
He sought to identify the elements he felt which enabled a life spirit to flow in space, what he came to define as the 15 Properties in the Nature of Order – a premise of emergent order that was aligned with David Bohm's theories of implicate and explicate order
Which brings us back to cybernetics. The Greek root refers to 'steering', which has been translated to also mean 'governance'. But when we think of 'governance', it is important that we not think of that as _imposed control_ but rather as _emergent creation_ – where order emerges.
We suggest, then, that as we explore the cybernetics of complex systems, we gently hold in our minds the images of Bohmian 'guiding waves' from which Ontic Form emerges that allow us to see new patterns of increasingly complex wholes.
Order that emerges, not that which is imposed.
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