We speak of the divine: that which cannot be known. We use the word knowing the discomfort, a similar discomfort when we use the word 'sprit' or 'sacred' as in Sacred Intention.
We are still defined by presumptions of rationalism though we seek to move beyond, led by Whitehead and those who followed him. Within our prejudice of rationalism, that which cannot be externally defined is suspect.
The spirit is felt but cannot be defined. The same is true for the divine, the source which we now suspect may lie within the mysterious zero point of dark energy.
We use divine because it is a feeling word. Whitehead reminds of the importance of feeling to illuminate understanding – indeed, for the very nature of creation.
>In these ways conceptual feelings pass into the category of physical feelings. Also conversely, physical feelings give rise to conceptual feelings, and conceptual feelings give rise to other conceptual feelings. Part III Chapt III Sect II
Whitehead uses the term 'God' in his writing, a name we shy from, only because it holds, in the minds of many, a rigid, authoritarian definition. A harsh noun, not a loving verb.
'Divine' feels uncomfortable, but amorphous enough for us to breath our own life into it.
As we feel, we begin to wonder about the cadence of the divine – noting both the rhythm and the resolution of cadence – sensing deeper meaning within.
Perhaps one that might illuminate a primordial natural frequency from which harmonics
resonate into moments of actualizing. One that resolves to the tonic - the key that holds the original intention.