Computer-Aided Neural Patterning

We note the forming of 'nodal clusters' that are formed by Edge Valence. These clusters have meaning, that which we can later explore, each forming a pattern, a pattern from which a story can be told.

Here we sense the hidden potential of our experiment, that of 'epistemic patterning' that allows new meaning to emerge as we co-create with the aid of a computer. We might call this process 'computer-aided neural patterning', that which breaths life into the theories of network neuroscience and active inference being pioneered by Basset, Friston and others.

Pattern Clusters

Pattern Stories

To borrow the words of Engelbart, the arrow represents a 'thought vector' through a 'concept space' in a cluster of nodes, that which can become a story to be shared with others.

_In this example we could tell a story about how the 'agile mindset', through 'joyful experiments', allows us to 'learn faster'. This experience of 'creative thinking' has 'eureka moments' that happen in an 'emergent whitespace' of unknowing. This process, which updates our understanding of the world, our cognitive map, is referred to by Friston as a 'bayesian belief update' in his theory of 'active inference'. In this way, we can think differently – 'quantum thinking' – that unleashes a 'hidden potential' inside each one of us._

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