We allow our imagination to fly on the Blue Plane, that which Carver Meade called an 'ideaspace', one that unleashed the creative imagination of Alan Kay and his team at PARC, allowing the personal computer to come into being.
Imagine, then, with me.
Imagine a moment when a young student tells a story of deep learning that amazes their parent. When that parent recognizes that they could learn from their child if they, themselves, could became learners once again.

creative artifact
Imagine that the child has a creative artifact to share for their story that was beautiful. Imagine that they could also have a visualization of their learning journey that they could use to help guide their storytelling.
Imagine that this visualization allowed others to see and feel the deeper meaning within the learning, Deep Meaning that is felt as powerful.

Bobbie's Story
Now imagine that, because the parent wasn't able to come to school for the demo day because they were working, the child could come home and tell their story to the most important person in their world.

Demo Day at School
Imagine that this child helped their parent log into a secure classroom site, where their story and their classmates stories could be found. A virtual space that could be navigated around.

Exhibition Room
Imagine that they could bring an avatar in front of a panel that held a visualization of a student's story and an image of their creative artifact. There the child begins to tell their story, clicking on nodes that open pages to further explain each step of their journey from curiosity, to wonder, to surprise leading to curiosity, wonder, and surprise, deeper into a meaning that emerged from their journey.
Imagine that the child could then show their parent that their classmate's learning journeys were also wonderful, all weaving together into something meaningful.
Imagine the next time the parent meets the teacher, meets the principal. Imagine what they might say after they have seen, and felt, a Learning Journey exponentially more powerful than their own experience of school.
Imagine the potential of profound transformation as collective courage was cultivated within the school to push back against systemic constraints, providing us an important schema in the form of a tetrahedron:

System Schema
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