
We read: Nassim Nicholas Taleb, 2012 Antifragile. Things that Gain from Disorder. London: Penguin.

Taleb builds on foundations of complex systems theories, and especially on variety engineering and requisite variety: antifragile systems are able to put themselves into different states. And have a wider array of different states they can choose from and that they can activate.

Taleb provides many examples that call for caution not to jump to conclusions, i.e. to not overreact by interventionism.

Below you will find usefule information by on Antifragile.

See also

>Antifragility is a property of systems that increase in capability, resilience, or robustness as a result of stressors, shocks, volatility, noise, mistakes, faults, attacks, or failures. It is a concept developed by Professor Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his book, Antifragile, and in technical papers. > As Taleb explains in his book, antifragility is fundamentally different from the concepts of resiliency (i.e. the ability to recover from failure) and robustness (that is, the ability to resist failure). > wikipedia

Living organisms need stress to grow. Much like our body's when we exercise, in the recovery process from stress, there is a rebuilding process that creates new strength.

This restructuring is a process of creating new order. It is, by nature Disentropic.

More pondering of Antifragile.

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